樹葉形狀高品質碧玉耳釘,有羽毛紋路,做工精細。碧玉尺寸為20毫米X6毫米,重4克。產於英屬哥倫比亞省落基山脈,是來自楓葉之國大自然的禮物。 /p>有同款的项链搭配 配有手工制作的木盒子一个
Jade, the "STONE OF HEAVEN" is a natural gemstone that has been around for thousands of years. It is believed that it possesses powerful healing properties, also brings good luck to its owner.
Jade, the "STONE OF HEAVEN" is a natural gemstone that has been around for thousands of years. It is believed that it possesses powerful healing properties, also brings good luck to its owner.
This beautiful and noble necklace with clear gemstones is the perfect gift for your loved ones.
Jade, the "STONE OF HEAVEN" is a natural gemstone that has been around for thousands of years. It is believed that it possesses powerful healing properties, also brings good luck to its owner.