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How to receive reward points
There are two methods to receive them.
1). When you register to become a member of, you will receive $10 in points.
2). As a member of
How to Use your points
You can use your points only by shopping online at when you purchase a minimum of $50 in merchandise (before shipping and tax).
You can use as many points as you want providing they don't reach more than 50% of the value of the merchandise (before shipping and tax) you are purchasing at that moment.
At the moment of making the payment you will be able to pay part of the total with your points.
Rules and Regulations
Members can find all the point related rebate information in their account link after they login our website.
Points belong to their account only and cannot be transferred to another account nor be used in another account.
Point rebate cannot be used simultaneously with discount codes.
If any member uses his/her points in a manner contrary to what they are designed for, they will lose all the points in their account and will not be permitted to buy again from our stores. We also reserve the right to pursure appropriate legal measures.
This program may be modified or cancel at any moment.